Saturday, February 19, 2022

Lifestyle & Niche Media Blog 4, Question 2 (March 1)

How are magazines adapting to their audiences? What are some of the strengths of magazines and what are some of the challenges facing the magazine industry today? Limit: 10 responses


  1. Print magazines have been faced with a significant change over the past 10 years. Print magazines were always popular among consumers. As technology changes, magazines have been faced with a burden about how to make magazines relevant and accessible to consumers. Now, consumers are used to getting their news online, rather than going to the store and picking up a print magazine. The magazine business isn’t slowing down anytime soon. In 2021, it was found that there were 122 new print magazine launches (Silber). This is extremely positive for the magazine industry. It shows that people still want to read and engage with magazines. Most of these new magazines are distributed in bookstores and boutique locations (Silber). Personally, I like to read print magazines. I like to hold the pages and have something in my hand when I read. Reading a magazine on a device doesn’t give me the same experience. Magazines are still popular among consumers and have been around for years. They are trusted, reliable, and provide content that consumers want to read more about.

    Magazines have adapted to the change in consumer behavior. There has been a significant transition to online magazine reading. People are still subscribing to magazines online and accessing their content on mobile devices. When people are reading content online, they want to engage with the outside world about it. They will connect with other readers online and speak about it on social media. Craig Mod from Forbes Magazine said, “Magazine websites, like the World Wide Web itself, open one up to the continuous exploration through links and related content” (Mod). People can read multiple stories on magazine websites. Many magazines also offer direct links to social media platforms and users can share these stories. They also allow consumers to purchase subscriptions for online reading. Magazine companies have also created social media platforms to stay connected with the users and reach out to new readers. They will often post their top stories and a link to view the story. Another example of how magazines are connecting digitally is through YouTube. Vogue has a series where they ask celebrities many questions and it has received positive acclaim.

    However, magazines still face an immense amount of challenges. One of the biggest challenges faced by magazine companies is the cost of making a magazine. There are also significant printing costs, postage, licensing agreements and more. The next challenge is the amount of competition in the magazine industry. There are so many different magazines that consumers can choose from. The main job of each magazine is to differentiate themselves from the competitors. There are hundreds of magazines that people can choose from. Another challenge is adapting to consumption changes. Consumers now read from their mobile devices and have stopped reading print magazines. Magazines have to adapt to this new behavior and make their content online. Magazines are also struggling with incorporating diversity into their magazine covers and divisions. Mainstream magazines such as Elle and Harper’s Bazaar, have struggled with diverse representation on their covers. Jessica Testa from the New York Times said that cover images still matter, “They document history, reflecting societal changes and defining the public’s perception of beauty” (Testa). Magazine companies need to have more diverse cover images and seek to hire people of all demographics.

    1. Works Cited

      Mod, Craig. “How Magazines Will Be Changed Forever.” CNN, Cable News Network, 21 Oct. 2012,
      Silber, Tony. “Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More than Doubled in 2021.” Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More Than Doubled In 2021 12/30/2021, 29 Dec. 2021,
      Testa, Jessica. “At Top Magazines, Black Representation Remains a Work in Progress.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 2 Sept. 2021,

  2. Rita Sherban
    The adage of the 21st century is “print is dead”, however magazines have found renaissance with print media. Although large newspaper and magazine companies have offered digital copies to keep up with user habits, there is something valuable about print magazines. Last year, “there were 122 new print-magazine launches…offering hope that print media has a strong…future” (Silber 2021). The modern world lives most of their life online, whether it be through social media, gaming apps, or streaming sites; our attention is constantly on a screen and print magazine offers a break from screen time. The Magazine Media Factbook of 2021 said that 76% of people like print magazines as it offers a break from screens (Gwyn 2021). Cybersickness, which is diagnosed as nauseous or light-headedness while using a screen can affect between 20%-95% of users, according to Glamour magazine (Gray 2021). While print helps elevate cybersickness symptoms, it’s also easier to retain and digest the information. Paper-based reading contributes to high comprehension and recall and keeps audiences more focused with less distraction (Gwyn 2021). However, it’s not the break from screens that has caused an uptick in print media, the success is largely due to the business model as, “…most of these new magazines have common characteristics. They have smaller frequencies, they rely on circulation revenue, they have high cover prices, and they are printed on high-quality paper” (Silber 2021). It may seem like printed media is unsustainable, but many magazines are using sustainability sourced paper and plant-based ink (Gwyn 2021). Due to this environmental consciousness, consumers can dispose of their issues through recycling instead of throwing them in the trash (Gwyn 2021). While print media has been able to garner more of an audience, the magazine industry itself has internal problems, the biggest being diversity.

  3. Sherban (cont.)
    The digital director of Harper’s Bazaar, Nikki Ogunaike, has made strides within the company to diversify the workplace. She consistently scouts graduates from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and runs panels which seek to highlight Black talent in the fashion world (Testa 2021). Despite these efforts, the fashion industry is slow to include black voices within their companies. “The top echelons of magazine mastheads – the titles with “chief”, “executive” or “director attached – have remained predominantly white…” (Testa 2021). While companies may push to have more representation on their covers, it doesn’t translate into the workspace and often, the weight to diversify the staff is only on black shoulders (Testa 2021). It’s difficult for minority executives to completely scrap their staff and start over and people, like Ogunnaike, have said that it’s important for white allies to help shoulder the burden. “I would love to have white allies be asked: “What are your diversity and equity and inclusion efforts looking like in your space, as a white person…The onus cannot be on the people who didn’t even create these racist systems to begin with” (Testa 2021). In the wake of Black Lives Matter, it’s important that workforces, especially those as elite as fashion, contribute to the change to include more minorities in their spaces as representation at any level is important for young audiences and contributes to new opportunities.

    Gray, S. (2021, April 14). 'cybersickness' is becoming a new epidemic. Glamour. Retrieved February 26, 2022, from
    Gwyn, B. S. (2021, September 14). Magazine Media Factbook 2021. MPA .
    Silber, T. (2021, December 29). Magazine analyst: New Print-magazine launches more than doubled in 2021. Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More Than Doubled In 2021 12/30/2021. Retrieved February 26, 2022, from
    Testa, J. (2021, September 2). At top magazines, Black Representation remains a work in progress. The New York Times. Retrieved February 26, 2022, from

  4. Robert Lyon 1/2

    Magazines, unlike newspapers, are meant to entertain, inspire, and relax us. We have all been at the dentist or a doctor’s appointment and seen a table full of magazines. The shiny picture of movie stars on the cover of a People’s magazine is just screaming at us to pick it up. More than likely, we will grab it, look through till we find the scandalous story we want to read more about. Similar to our cell phones and social media, print magazines offer much more than just local or world news found in a black and white New York Times. You can have an entire magazine devoted to food, fashion, entertainment, sports, or home and gardening. I mean you don’t pick up a magazine about cooking if you are interested in race cars, right? Magazines have a unique quality; they appeal to a wide audience across every demographic.
    The digital age has moved printed media online, challenging the magazine industry to keep up. Between 2016 and 2020 the total number of magazine readers remained above 220 million each year (Watson). This number was surprising to me, especially when everything can be found through google; so why read a magazine? By providing consumers with an online/digital subscription of their print magazine, they can reach the tech savvy audience. Those consumers that would rather pull up the magazine on their iPad rather than flipping through the paper product benefit from this option. Another avenue that is allowing print companies to reach more consumers is through targeted online platforms. With the pandemic shifting almost everything online, webinars and online meetings are taking advantage of the wider audience. Marketing subscriptions and access to content just by joining a webinar meeting opens up a larger audience. It can also offer the opportunity for the audience to engage more with the magazine company by providing blogs to join after a certain publication. By doing this the companies are able to meet the needs of the readers in real time. Publishers have been forced to make decisions quickly to adapt to what is happening in the moment and remain valuable to their readers (Pilcher).
    I think it would be interesting to see in five years how many people are still reading print magazines. The digital world doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. If you think about grocery stores and how many of the traditional print magazines (People, Time, Home & Garden) are still on the racks while you wait in line, but is anyone really buying them? The pandemic has changed grocery shopping, decreasing the number of people who actually go into the store. I think it would be interesting to see over the course of a few days to study this. Who bought them, their ages, and occupation and why they were buying them? My assumption would be that less than 50 magazines would be sold over a few days. Something to think about as journalism takes a sharp digital turn. Something to think about is the impact influencers could have on the magazine industry. They are a driving force in sales on social media. How influencers could market magazines could be the key to staying on top and not the death of print media.

  5. Robert Lyon 2/2

    Geyser, Werner. “The State of Influencer Marketing 2022: Benchmark Report.” Influencer Marketing Hub, 11 Feb. 2022,
    Michaeloudis, Lucy. “5 Influencer Marketing Trends for 2022 That You Should Know.” Upfluence, 5 Jan. 2022,
    Pilcher, David, et al. “‘Digital Platforms Are What Are Getting a Lot of Attention’: Magazines Are Pivoting, to Engage a Dramatically Larger Audience: What's New in Publishing: Digital Publishing News.” What's New in Publishing | Digital Publishing News, 26 May 2020,
    Watson, Amy. “Topic: Magazine Industry.” Statista,

  6. (Lunder 1)
    The magazine industry has had to make some huge decisions in the last 10-15 years. The fall of the print industry and the rise of the internet made it very difficult for magazines to compete. They were no longer the primary source of gossip and news and celebrity drama. Instead, people access this information instantly and at the touch of a button. The rise of the internet had a huge impact on their revenue and their relevance. According to the “Magazine Media Factbook (MPA, 2021).” created by the MPA in 2021 “Magazine audience declined to 221.9 million” in two years. Some issues that the magazine industry faces is the environmental impact, the reliability of the content, and the pace of putting out content. Compared to internet blogs and gossip websites, magazines are behind on the trends and news due to how long it takes to print and put them out. They also use paper whereas blogs and websites are digital. And in the last 10 years there has been an increased awareness by the public of the drastic impact wasted paper has on the environment. As mentioned in the Factbook “Across the industry, magazine publishers are adopting responsible business practices, investing in recyclable materials and setting long term sustainability goals for their businesses (MPA, 2021).” le However this industry produces much more waste than any paperless blog. There are some that believe print magazines are still the right route. According to the article “Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More Than Doubled In 2021” there are some who have used the pandemic to launch new magazines. However, according to the article “The new launches are overwhelmingly niche-oriented, with low frequencies — quarterly or bimonthly — Husni reported, based on his proprietary tracking method. Husni has been tracking magazine launches annually for 43 years, and this year’s 122 magazines are close to 2019’s 139 and 2017’s 124(Silber, 2021).” These magazines appeal to very small groups and are not meeting the same markers and views that magazines once did. The magazine industry is facing many issues at once and they need to adapt. And some have made strides towards doing that.

  7. (Lunder 2)
    According to an article from titled “InStyle, Entertainment Weekly drop print magazines, go fully digital” some of the most successful print magazines have made a huge step in effort to adapt to the new market. This article discusses in depth why these magazines made the switch, and how it impacted the success. As quoted in the article “"These brands have seen significant growth on digital platforms and will continue to grow and thrive digitally as they benefit from the big investments we plan to make across all of our brands in 2022," the spokesperson said. (Arschin, 2022)”. Though there were concerns expressed about this change such as laying off employees who provide a service that is no longer needed, the article states that this was a very small percentage. The article discusses the increase in viewers that magazines such as Health, Instyle, Parents, and People received from switching. As mentioned in the article, “"You are looking at demographics of people that do not care for a physical piece of paper to look at," Kolodzy said. "They want the information, they want it the way they want it, and it may not happen in a physical magazine form. (Arschin, 2022)." The content that magazines provide is still relevant, they just needed to find a new way to reach the public. And by making the switch to completely digital, many magazines have seen success.

    Work Cited:

    “MPA Factbook.” MPA – The Association of Magazine Media, 9 Feb. 2022,
    “Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More than Doubled in 2021.” Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More Than Doubled In 2021 12/30/2021,

    Arschin, Dana. “InStyle, Entertainment Weekly Drop Print Magazines, Go Fully Digital.” FOX 5 New York, FOX 5 New York, 10 Feb. 2022,

  8. Shannon Flaherty
    People have been saying since the dawn of the technological era that magazines are dying or even already dead- however that is not the case. Looking at just employees, which is a crucial piece of industry standpoints especially as we live through a pandemic. The magazine industry employs more than 73,206 people with an average wage of over $100,000 annually resulting in a total of over $7 million annually (Magazine). Although magazines appear to be wastes of paper, a valuable resource and wasting it is not appealing to those who care about the future of our Earth, magazine publishers actually have sustainability goals. “Across the industry, magazine publishers are adopting responsible business practices, investing in recyclable materials and setting long term sustainability goals for their businesses” (Magazine). Some examples of what is going on in terms of green efforts include reduced greenhouse gas generation, increased use of plant-based inks, and having offices be LEED Certified (Magazine). The thing I hear most about the magazines is that no one is reading them anymore, but according to December 2020, the audience of magazines varying from print all the way to video, was at 1.56 billion people on a YTD average which was up .05 billion people from 2019 (Magazine). For those who say TV shows intrigue more than magazines, “the top 25 magazines reach more adults than the top 25 primetime TV shows” (Magazine). People said they took up reading magazines as a break from screens during COVID, they appreciate print magazines more, and there was even love for digital and social media magazines too during COVID (Magazine).

    1. Flaherty 2
      Also, pre-pandemic “fake news” was rampant leading up to the 2016 and even 2020 presidential campaigns, “consumers perceive traditional media channels as more trustworthy than online media…with the worry of fake news and how quickly things are posted and shared online, people find it harder to trust what they read digitally” (Solomon). Reading something in printed text carries more weight than on a social media post- exception here could be tabloid magazines. The magazine industry can’t really die out as long as advertising still exists- and advertising does not appear to be going anywhere. Also, considering “many digital communications are not just seen as untrustworthy but are actively ignored… 68% of consumers say they ignore online ads” (Solomon). Again with fake news spreading through social media, the same goes for advertising. If something pops up in my instagram feed that I was thinking about purchasing- I get kinda weirded out that the FBI was tracking my brain. However, if I see that same item printed in a magazine, I might order right out of the catalog because I trust printed media over a potentially sketchy online website. For example, “79% of consumers will act on direct mail immediately…direct mail marketing has a 37% higher open rate” than email marketing (Solomon). With internet trolls and scam artists too prevalent on the internet today, magazines are reliable. The most important thing about the magazine industry’s stability is hitting niche audiences, “there were 122 new print-magazine launches in 2021” and they were “overwhelmingly niche-oriented” (Silber). Of these launches, some include relaunches of old versions that are adapting to the times, for example Scout Life, now appeals to boys and girls as opposed to Boy’s Life which was the publication for the Boy Scouts of America (Silber).

      "Magazine Media Factbook 2021." MPA: The Association of Magazine Media. Accessed 18 Feb. 2022. Web.
      Silber, Tony. “Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More than Doubled in 2021.” MediaPost, 29 Dec. 2021,
      Solomon Paige. “Print Magazines Aren't Dying and Here's Why.” Walsworth, 3 Nov. 2021,

  9. Sarah Lefkowitz
    As we know, technology and digitalization have overtaken entertainment. The only places we associate magazines with are the waiting rooms at dentists and doctors. This association is actually incorrect though. Print is trying to secure a successful future for itself, and in 2021, it may have done that. “There were 122 new print-magazine launches in 2021, representing a sharp rebound from the 60 that launched last year, and offering hope that print media has a strong…future” (Silber). Despite this not comparing to how well magazines were doing in the early 2000s, the amount of launches in 2021 doubled the stats from 2020. In a time where digital is king, this is a pretty good sign for magazines! Magazines are adapting to their audiences by becoming more and more niche, and this is both a strength, and challenge for the industry. For example, there are thousands of people who would love to read the magazine about Bitcoin mentioned in Silber’s article. Personally, I am not one of those people. Although some audiences are being heavily captivated by these niche magazines, others won’t even look past the cover out of lack of interest.

    One strength of the magazine industry is the shift towards sustainability. According to the Magazine Media Factbook from 2021, “Across the industry, magazine publishers are adopting responsible business practices, investing in recyclable materials and setting long term sustainability goals for their businesses” (“MPA”). People probably assume that digital is the more sustainable option, but magazines are pledging to change that. According to the Factbook, “Magazines are adopting new practices such as inspiring environmental coverage, reduce the use of non-sustainable products, reduce generation of greenhouse gases, get paper from responsibly managed forests, utilize plant-based inks, and work in more sustainable office spaces” (“MPA”). Of course digital doesn’t create paper waste, but this shift towards a more sustainable industry is a step in a great direction.

    1. Sarah Lefkowitz (cont.)
      Despite the sustainable call to action of the industry, there are still many challenges that magazines face. According to Maeyer on Linkedin, some challenges that magazines face are their dependencies on ads for revenue, non-responsive audiences, keeping up with the target audience, and the fear of data (Maeyer). Magazines don’t make sufficient profits from just being a magazine, they need to rely on advertisers to bring in money, which is not reliable and on digital, there are ad blockers that obviously take the ads away from readers. Magazines also need to keep up with their not always responsive audiences across multiple social platforms. For smaller or older magazines, social engagement is definitely tough. Lastly, publishers are scared of data and analytics (I don’t blame them). Numbers are so important and show what is working and what isn’t, so if magazines can’t analyze their data correctly, or at all, they are missing out on a lot of great insight that could help them.
      Maeyer, Brik De. “What Are the Challenges That Magazine Publishers Face Today?” LinkedIn, LinkedIn, 28 Mar. 2019,

      “MPA Factbook.” MPA – The Association of Magazine Media, 9 Feb. 2022,
      Silber, Tony. “Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More than Doubled in 2021.” Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More Than Doubled In 2021 12/30/2021,

  10. Jordon Bennett Part 1
    Before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the United States in 2020, magazine audience were continually on the rise. With the rise of technology and digital media, magazines are still something audiences want to hold, read and eliminate themselves from the screen world. (Silber) Magazine companies offer both digital and print copies, with 122 print magazine launches in 2021, more than double the previous year. (Silber) Magazines have done an amazing job of adapting to the 21st century, not only offering print options, but also mobile web, web and video options. Magazines offer more than newspapers, it’s a chance for people to enjoy certain topics they’re interested in, like travel, sport and health for example. Magazines offer a different alternative for people who don’t like T.V. “Magazines are more important than ever, bringing trust, comfort and welcome advice to the table”. (Gwyn) Digital media and social media always has controversy surrounding political views and reliability, magazines offer an alternative for people who want to enjoy what they’re reading.
    Many criticisms’ media companies face is advertising. Video media in particular face criticism every day because of the bombardment of advertising placed during broadcasting. Magazines on the other hand, thrive off their advertisement plan. People’s engagement with ad’s is significantly higher than television. (Gwyn) 53% of adults say ad in magazines fit well in the content, compared to 34% in TV and 33% in digital ads. (Gwyn) This is a major positive for magazines as it allows for people’s attention to stay with the magazines content, it also means fewer negative reviews unlike services like Hulu who’s constantly slammed for their ad’s during shows. This also leads to more money being made for the magazine with companies paying to place their ad in the print. Another strength of magazines is the way they manage care of workers and the environment. The periodical publishing industry employs 73,206 workers with an additional 146,412 of indirect and induced jobs. (Gwyn) With average wages of just over $100,000, this is way above state and journalism averages. Magazine publishers also adopting practices to maintain an environmentally friendly business model. (Gwyn) Not only is this great for the environment, but an amazing publicity stunt for audiences to believe magazines are producing great content while helping the environment.

  11. Jordon Bennett Part 2
    With many magazine companies adapting to the digital age, we live in, technology reliance is still growing, and the threat of full digital magazines could impact many magazine companies. There are 3,404 magazine and periodical publishing companies in the United States, with the industry declining every year. (Ibisworld) With the abundance of different magazines to choose from, keeping the audience is something that challenges the industry every day. It’s key for companies to be innovative with their magazines, as well as offering content to everyone. Diversity within magazine’s is also a work in progress. This includes all work, from models, to photographers, to stylist. In 2020, Samira Nasr became the person with color to lead the publication of Harper’s Bazaar in its 154-year history. (Testa) There have been times of sufficient representation of black models on magazine covers like in 2018, but to fall back into the diverse regime in 2019. (Testa) This shows that magazine companies aren’t growing with time, with black leaders and other representors, it’s time for more black people to shine in the United States, not just models, but also writers, editors, and artists in all fields of work.
    Magazine analyst: New Print-magazine launches more than doubled in 2021. Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More Than Doubled In 2021 12/30/2021. (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2022, from
    Gwyn, B. S. (2021, September 14). Magazine Media Factbook 2021. MPA
    Silber, T. (2021, December 29). Magazine analyst: New Print-magazine launches more than doubled in 2021. Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More Than Doubled In 2021 12/30/2021. Retrieved February 26, 2022, from
    Industry market research, reports, and Statistics. IBISWorld. (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2022, from,of%20%2D5.1%25%20from%202021.

  12. Kallie Purdue
    Magazines alike much of traditional media have faced struggles throughout the rise of the digital age. As news consumption and social media’s ability to disperse content with the click of a button, the magazine industry has fluctuated. Though compared to most print media, magazines have done better than many thought. Consumers are still buying magazines for their niche content, and in 2021 there were “122 new print magazine launches” conveying that the market is increasing as the rise of other print sales falls (Silber). Magazine's today are capitalizing on niche content and striving to serve their loyal customers that continuously buy on a regular basis. In addition, according to Statista it was found that “the average monthly audience of popular magazines exceeded 50 million for each of the top five publications appearing in a 2020 ranking, and weekly magazine People enjoyed an average monthly reach of over 90 million that year” (Statista). This is one of the ways they are adapting to their audiences and homing in on what sells and what does not.
    As print newspaper sales continue to fall, the steady growth of magazines shows consumers and officials that there is still a need for print versions. As magazine brands continue to shift their focus to specific niche audiences and deliver printed version of their content, “it is showing that people are sick and tired of the virtual life — print magazines are something to hold, something to feel close to. There is nothing closer in media than owning and feeling a paper magazine in your hands” (Silber). Printed versions of magazines continue to represent a strength of the industry as they have the power to create a relationship with the consumer and make them feel special.
    Some weaknesses affecting the magazine industry currently are the increase in prices of production and the competitiveness of the digital versions. Though print magazines still remain popular, industry officials are now producing both version to better serve the plethora of customers. In addition, the industry has encountered backlash for their lack of diversity in models on their covers. There has been increases and decreases of racially diverse models within magazines and according to the Fashion’s Spot Annual Report in “September 2018, for example, Black women covered a majority of top titles. But by 2019, the models on those covers were less racially diverse” (Testa). Magazine companies need to implement diverse groups of people into their campaigns to better serve all of their consumers.

    1. “Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More than Doubled in 2021.” Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More Than Doubled In 2021 12/30/2021,
      Testa, Jessica. “At Top Magazines, Black Representation Remains a Work in Progress.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 2 Sept. 2021,
      Watson, Amy. “Topic: Magazine Industry.” Statista,

  13. Kimberlyn Bouley

    While new media is coming into age, the media that has stuck around making an impact and keeps readers engaged are magazines. Magazines have always been a staple niche product that has readers of all ages remaining loyal. Comparing magazines, newspapers are being portrayed as becoming a dinosaur in the journalism print industry. The majority of magazine consumption comes from print and mobile media. When conducting surveys, MPA The Association of Magazine Media found that 62% of readers claim that this consumption of media holds credibility that is more trustworthy than television and other websites. Print magazines hold so much more than just articles being displayed on the internet. There is engagement and valued information being presented to the reader as there are multiple articles and quizzes being put into the palm of their hands.  
    While old print magazine stands are shutting down, new print magazines are transforming their content and work environment by generating common characteristics. In an article by Tony Silber, he explains that each print company includes business models with, “smaller frequencies, they rely on circulation revenue, they have high cover prices, and they are printed on high-quality paper.” (Silber, 2021) New magazines are displayed as professional and informative as well as being available to readers through multiple platforms. When it comes to advertising, readers rely more on a magazine’s input than any other media source. Credibility is seen of most importance when choosing the correct advertisements when trying to reach the correct targeted audience. In an article titled, Disadvantages of Magazines, the role of advertising in magazines is described as, “Media buyers evaluate magazines on the basis of their ability to deliver the advertiser’s message to as many people as possible in the target audience. To do this, they must consider the circulation of the publication as well as its total readership and match these figures against the audience they are attempting to reach.” (ZABANGA, 2022) Magazines have created an authentic certification when it comes to readers trusting their sources. Consumers are more likely to follow through and increase sales of direct advertisements in magazines than other ads.  
    Magazines are now being viewed as a luxury collectible item that holds an image of the essential self-care and treating yourself while holding standards of educating readers on the simplicity of life. The content being published is informative of beauty standards, trends, and current events that should be discussed in society. The industry of magazines is beginning to hold itself and its teams accountable when it comes to the models, editors, photographers, and more members that are being used in the process. Assuring that there is diversity and equality in all aspects of the work environment is a credential as we transform into a society that gives equal opportunity. The main challenge being presented to the industry is the lack of diverse representation within companies. While some magazine companies have included and added P.O.C editors, cover stories, makeup designers, and more, organizations have relied too heavily on these P.O.C leaders to create change. On the contrary, the New York Times article says, “Black leaders say, it’s white institutions that need to carry out the commitments to change.” (Testa, 2021) It is important in this industry that there is fair representation being put into the publication of each editorial. Readers need inclusive sources to feel heard and seen. Not only readers but talent and workers in the industry also need to feel included and comfortable when offering their perspectives to these institutions. 
    Magazines are a thing of the past as well as a part of the future. This industry will forever be a predominant niche source when consuming trends and the latest important events. Audiences turn to these sources as their main form of media consumption when looking at opinions and who is wearing what. 

    1. Sources

      Fillmore, Kenneth. “Disadvantages of Magazines - Marketing Communications.” ZABANGA Marketing, 16 Feb. 2022,
      “Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More than Doubled in 2021.” Magazine Analyst: New Print-Magazine Launches More Than Doubled In 2021 12/30/2021,
      Testa, Jessica. “At Top Magazines, Black Representation Remains a Work in Progress.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 2 Sept. 2021,


Future Media Trends Blog 9, Question 1 (April 19)

What do you think is the most important trend that is cutting across all media industries and having the biggest impact on both professional...